Gaming was the PC's empire, pure and simple. You didn't buy your games digitally, you bought them retail, and in such retail shops you saw at best 1 small corner for all console platforms combined. That was also why there was a much longer time between the original game, and it's expantion packs than we see today : 9-15 months between the vanilla game and it's first expantion pack, and oneother 6-12 months for the 2d, and sometimes even 6-9 months after that for a third, was no exeption, but the rule. It would take such high end gamers at least a year after release, wait for technological progress to catch up, and THAN pay those 3000 euro, to be able to do that, for the rest it was an even longer wait.
Thats right, originally this series was PC only, and it was quite common that newly released games would at best play at halve performance on a brand new 3000 euro gaming rig. When this game was launched, back in the days, cranking up to max settings, was not for the faint-hearted, or better said : only for the one's that were proper gamers, with an expensive PC.